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Modelling Workshop in Architecture


Model making is one of the most fundamental and vital tools in Architecture. Making physical model helps an architect to explore the potentials of the project as well as possibilities of having different solutions. It also helps the brain always think in 3 Dimensional and ignite architects' imagination. The modelling workshop for the first year students is intended to open them to a world of possibilities. To teach them different techniques and methods in modelling. Students will be taught to organize and divide the entire process of model making into stages that will help in the easier completion of the model and also learn to prioritize details that need to be kept or omitted based on the chosen scale of the model.

The workshop was headed by Ar. Shino Krishnan on the 15th of December, 2018 in the college campus.


The workshop was successful in terms of teaching students different techniques in modelling. However it was seen that being the first time in making a detailed building mode, a one day workshop does not provide sufficient time to complete the project.

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